How to Become a Neonatal Nurse

A degree may open the door to a variety of opportunities and diverse career paths. CTU提供的巴黎人澳门赌场在哪不一定会导致特色职业. 本系列文章旨在帮助您了解和指导您确定哪些级别的学位和类型的认证与您期望的职业道路相一致.

To become a Neonatal Nurse, 护理学副学士学位或护理学学士学位(BSN). It's also required to become licensed. This can be done by passing the Neonatal Intensive Care 护理 exam.

Registered nurses (RNs) with a particular interest in newborns may consider neonatal 护理 作为职业选择. 新生儿护士协助护理早产或被认为有危险的新生儿, 但他们的职责也包括照顾那些经历与早产或出生后疾病有关的长期问题的婴儿. There are approximately 40,000 low-birth-weight infants born annually in the U.S., 但多亏了这些先进的实习护士,现在的存活率比15年前高了十倍, physicians and medical advances.1

While this field may be fulfilling, there are some character traits, 在从事新生儿护理工作之前,准护士应该了解教育要求和证书.


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Skills and Characteristics

Neonatal nurses should possess all the 护理技能 除了具备为高危新生儿及其家庭提供护理的相关技能外,还应具备注册护士的技能. 首先,他们应该有养育婴儿的强烈愿望,并享受照顾婴儿的乐趣. 他们必须表现出容忍和理解婴儿活动和行为的能力, 例如, 迅速而仔细地换尿布,耐心地听婴儿哭闹.2

新生儿护士应该有能力处理伴随新生儿在生死关头的强烈情绪压力. They should also have a strong sense of empathy, compassion and excellent communication skills, 还有不让个人感情干扰批判性思维的能力. Neonatal nurses may function as communicators between doctors and parents, 因此,他们必须能够有效地在医疗专业人员和家庭之间沟通医疗状况和程序.2

新生儿护士还应保持良好的专业精神,在压力下注意细节,以便准确护理危重婴儿. The capacity to make independent decisions and quickly deal with emotions, refocus and re-engage in responsibilities is crucial.2


有抱负的护士必须首先通过获得副学士学位来完成成为注册护士的要求, 文凭或 学士学位 从一个经过认证的 护理巴黎人澳门赌场在哪.1,3 未来的护士还必须经过一段时间的临床监督经验,并获得护理执照. 要成为有执照的注册护士,学生必须通过国家委员会执照考试(NCLEX)。. Depending on the state in which a person lives, they may also need to meet other requirements for licensing.2

毕业后, 一个潜在的新生儿护士可能希望获得在新生儿重症监护病房(NICU)工作的经验。. Some Nicu require prior experience in infant care, 比如小儿科, but others will hire new graduate nurses with an active interest in the field. 那些计划成为新生儿护士的人应该在申请研究生课程之前在III级新生儿重症监护室作为护士进行实践.1

In order to become an advanced practice nurse, 比如新生儿护士, an individual must obtain a master’s or doctoral degree. 高级执业护士与医生和其他护理人员合作,为婴儿提供全面的护理,并经常与多学科团队分享他们的专业知识,承担一组危重婴儿的医疗管理.1 相应的, 拥有处理这样一个专业护理领域所必需的经验和教育是很重要的.

Certifications and Licenses

After working in a neonatal unit and receiving a graduate degree, many nurses choose to take a national certification exam to validate their knowledge. 新生儿重症监护护理可以通过国家认证公司获得认证. There are four competency areas for Neonatal Intensive Care 护理 (RN), including general assessment, physiology and pathophysiology, pharmacology and professional practice. 组织, like the National Association of Neonatal Nurses, 协助会员取得继续护理教育(CNE)学分并维持其认证.4 重症监护护士协会(AACN)也为有兴趣获得重症监护病房认证的护士提供国家认证, 心脏护理单位, icu, trauma units or critical care transport.5

Job Market for Neonatal Nurses

Neonatal 护理 careers can also encompass a variety of positions, each requiring a different amount of education or certification. Some of these careers include staff nurses caring for acutely ill infants, 重症监护病房的护士管理人员, 以及发展护理专家他们研究了对生病和早产儿的渐进式护理. Clinical nurse specialists can provide education programs, 病人直接护理, and support to 护理 staff at the bedside.1

总的来说,美国的经济增长.S. 美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)预计,各类高级执业护士的就业市场将增长31%, 或者比平均速度快, 到2024年. 医疗立法, demand for health care services for a large, 人口老龄化, 对预防保健的更加重视被认为是刺激这一增长的因素.6

What to Expect on a Day-to-Day Basis

Neonatal nurses often work in hospitals, 要么是在有较少急性病人的二级托儿所,要么是有最危重婴儿的三级托儿所. 在某些情况下, 这些护士在社区环境中工作,在家或对高危患者进行后续护理. 医院的新生儿护士可以期望在轮班期间与多个病人一起工作. Since neonatal critical care is an around-the-clock department, shifts tend to be 12-hours and include weekend and holiday work.1

在日常生活中, 新生儿护士可能面临照顾患有诸如早产等疾病的婴儿的压力, 出生缺陷, 感染, cardiac malformations and surgical problems.1 This may also mean providing emotional support and empathy to worried parents.2 Being a neonatal nurse can be highly stressful, but a myriad of rewards can outweighing the pressures of this career, including making a difference in the lives of infants and their families.

Earn a 护理 Degree from CTU

科罗拉多理工大学(CTU)的护理学学士巴黎人澳门赌场在哪获得了美国大学护理教育委员会( CTU的rn - bsn计划旨在建立学生的基础护理知识,并教授现实世界的护理教育. 了解更多关于CTU的信息 护理巴黎人澳门赌场在哪.

1. “Is a Career in Neonatal 护理 Right for You?” Retrieved from:护理 (Visited 8/14/17).
2. “Top 5 Qualities Every Neonatal Nurse Should Embody.” Retrieved from: http://stelizabethhealthcare.wordpress.(访问日期:2015/10/26/top-5- qualtis-every-neonatal-nurs-shoul-embody/).
3. “How to Become a Registered Nurse.” Retrieved from: http://www.美国劳工统计局.gov/ooh/healthcare/registered-nurses.htm#tab-4 (Visited 8/14/17).
4. “Certification exams: Neonatal Intensive Care 护理.” Retrieved from:年8月14日访问).
5. “CCRN(新生儿).” Retrieved from: (Visited 8/14/17).
6. "Nurse Anesthetists, Nurse Midwives, and Nurse Practitioners." Retrieved from http://www.美国劳工统计局.gov/ooh/healthcare/nurse-anesthetists-nurse-midwives-and-nurse-practitioners.htm(2017年8月14日浏览). 这些数据代表的是国家数据,而不是基于学校的具体信息. Conditions in your area may vary.

For important information about the educational debt, 收益, and completion rates of students who attended this program, 去 CTU cannot guarantee employment or salary. Not all programs are available to residents of all states. Financial aid is available for those who qualify.
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