How to Become an Acute Care Nurse

学位可以打开通往各种机会和不同职业道路的大门. CTU提供的巴黎人澳门赌场在哪不一定会导致特色职业. 本系列文章旨在帮助您了解和指导您确定哪些级别的学位和类型的认证与您期望的职业道路相一致.

To become an Acute Care Nurse, 需要护理学副学士学位(ADN)或护理学学士学位(BSN). It's also required to become licensed. This can be done by passing the NCLEX-RN exam.

急症护理护士的首要职责是治疗重症病人, critical or complex chronic illnesses. 这些 护士 一般在照顾不同患者群体方面表现出先进的临床实践专业知识,也可能在某一特定医学领域有专门的经验和教育, 比如新生儿, pediatric and adult-gerontology.1 While a career in acute or emergency care may be appealing, 首先考虑这个职业所需的教育和技能是很重要的.

Skills and Characteristics

急症护理护士在快节奏的环境中工作,病人可能需要复杂的监测和治疗, high-intensity interventions or continued vigilance.因此,对护士来说,尽可能完善所有的基本技能是至关重要的. Basic skills acute care 护士 should be able to perform include assessing, 诊断, planning and intervening on behalf of their patients, as well as focusing on health assessment, 筛选及推广, risk reduction and preventative care.1 这些护理职位可能需要的其他必要技能包括:

  • 诊断、治疗和管理急慢性疾病或疾病患者
  • Help patients and families safely navigate a complex health care system
  • Implement transitions in levels of care1

另外, 急症护理护士必须能够创造并将最佳证据转化为临床实践,并建立和维持健康的工作环境.1


完成一项 护理学位 is essential in becoming a registered nurse (RN) or an acute care nurse. There are a few options available, such as obtaining a diploma, an associate’s degree or a bachelor's degree. 然而, all nursing programs include supervised clinical experience.2

根据美国.S. 根据美国劳工统计局(BLS)的数据,到2024年,注册护士的就业前景预计将增长16%. 而文凭课程或副学士学位则需要较少的时间投入, employers might call for the completion of a 本科 of Science in 护理 (BSN). 获得BSN或更高的学位可能比文凭或副学士学位有更好的就业前景.3

Certifications and Licenses

Upon completion of an approved nursing education program, 有抱负的急症护理护士必须通过全国注册护士执照考试(NCLEX)才能成为有执照的注册护士. NCLEX-RN是由国家护理委员会(NCSBN)颁发的一项标准化考试,旨在为护理专业人员颁发执照.2

Registration for the NCLEX can be done on the NCBSN website. 一个潜在的注册护士需要向他们所在州的护理委员会申请执照,并完成一份授权测试(ATT)表格. He or she can then register and pay a fee for the exam. 建议潜在的护士在参加考试的目标日期之前开始申请和授权过程. Once a candidate is approved to proceed with the exam, 找到并注册一个测试站点也很重要,因为名额很快就会被填满.4

成为注册护士后, 急症护理专业的特殊证书是不必要的. 然而, 一些雇主可能更愿意雇用经过认证的重症护理护士(ccrn),因为这种认证通过严格的测试和广泛的继续教育和临床要求来验证医学知识.5

Job Market for Acute Care Nurses

预计到2024年,注册护士的就业市场将以比平均水平快得多的速度增长, 根据美国劳工统计局. 就业市场的增长很大程度上归因于婴儿潮一代的需求, as these individuals are living longer and lead more active lives. 这也是由于越来越重视预防保健和慢性病发病率的增加, such as diabetes and obesity.3

In 2014, the BLS released that there were over 2.75 million RN jobs in the United States.然而,平均就业率因地理区域而异. 2016年5月,注册护士就业水平最高的州是加利福尼亚州, 德州, 纽约, Florida and Pennsylvania.6

What to Expect on a Day-to-Day Basis

If there's one job aspect that is consistent for all acute care 护士, or registered 护士 in general, is that no two days are alike. 无论护士在哪里工作,每次轮班都会带来各种各样具有独特挑战和需求的新病例. 一般, an acute care nurse may pursue employment in a hospital-based setting, including emergency and intensive care units. 然而, they can also work in home care, 门诊, 长期护理, 康复, mobile care and virtual locations.1

Regardless of the workplace or position, 这些专业人员必须跟上复杂的评估和持续警惕所需要的急性设置. Acute care 护士 rely on their specialized body of knowledge, 为病人及其家属提供护理并创造治疗环境的技能和经验. 最重要的是,这些专业人员必须为有需要的患者充当可靠的医疗保健倡导者.5

Pursue a 本科 of Science in 护理

科罗拉多技术大学(CTU)提供在线护理巴黎人澳门赌场在哪,帮助学生为职业生涯中的下一个挑战做好准备. CTU提供基于先前基础护理知识的RN-BSN和MSN巴黎人澳门赌场在哪,旨在为护士提供帮助提供循证护理和推动床边变革的工具. Learn more about CTU’s nursing programs.

1. "AACN Scope and Standards for Acute Care Clinic Nurse Specialist Practice." Retrieved from:参观6/30/17).
2. "How to Become a Registered Nurse." Retrieved from: http://www.美国劳工统计局.gov/ooh/healthcare/registered-护士.htm#tab-4 (Visited 6/20/17).
3. "Registered Nurses: Summary." Retrieved from: http://www.美国劳工统计局.gov/ooh/healthcare/registered-护士.htm(参观10/3/17). 这些数据代表的是国家数据,而不是基于学校的具体信息. Conditions in your area may vary.
4. “Before the Exam: NCLEX Registration and Authorization to Test.” Retrieved from:参观6/30/17).
5. “主治护士.” Retrieved from: http://www.护士访问6/30/17).
6. "Occupational Employment and Wages, May 2015: 29-1141 Registered Nurses." Retrieved from: http://www.美国劳工统计局.gov/oes/current/oes291141.htm#st (Visited 6/30/17). 这些数据代表的是国家数据,而不是基于学校的具体信息. Conditions in your area may vary.

For important information about the educational debt, 收益, and completion rates of students who attended this program, 去 CTU cannot guarantee employment or salary. Not all programs are available to residents of all states. Financial aid is available for those who qualify. 1227530 10/17

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